• The company are squeezed into a small fried chicken shop. A counter sits in the middle with menus fixed to the back red wall.

    Photo by Marc Brenner

  • Wendy (Annabella Jennings) sits curled up on a worn out cream armchair in her tiny flat. An electricity meter is on the wall behind her and a cheap lamp shade hangs over head. Cold daylight streams in from the side.

    Photo by Marc Brenner

  • Sylvie (Ema Cavolli) stands in thick camouflage jacket against a graffiti covered roller shutter.

    Photo by Marc Brenner

  • The ensemble dressed in white and grey camouflage jackets walk together past a graffiti covered roller shutter.  Someone stands in the background silhouetted against an orange lit cyclorama.

    Photo by Marc Brenner

  • Wendy (Annabella Jennings) stands surrounded by shadows of the ensemble. She is filmed from below and projected on to a apartment block tower standing behind her.

    Photo by Marc Brenner

  • Wendy (Annabella Jennings) stands surrounded bynembers of the local alcoholics annonymous meeting. She is filmed from below and projected on to a apartment block tower standing behind her.

    Photo by Marc Brenner

  • Mel (Isobel Fairchild) stands on the phone, dimly lit as a table of tapas is set up behind her.

    Photo by Marc Brenner

  • A wide shot of the stage, with Dennis (Tyreke Leslie) standing in the centre silhouetted by a bright yellow cyclorama. A skeleton of a tower block hangs overhead with its walls covered with projected video. Ensemble cast members are gathered around the stage edges.

    Photo by Marc Brenner