• The full company stand in a lit ring on the edge of the circular stage. In the centre of the stage stands Kay Langrish (Jodie McNee) in a soft edged spotlight.

    Photo by Richard Davenport, The Other Richard

  • Kay Langrish (Jodie McNee) sits in a chair in the centre of a circular stage. The central area is charcoal grey with some floral floor patterns visible in places, then surrounded by a ring of corrugated metal. She wears a dull white shirt and her hiar is slicked back. A jacket hangs over the back of her chair along with her trousers. She holds a cigarette in her hand.

    Photo by Richard Davenport, The Other Richard

  • Duncan Pearce (Joe Jameson) and Robert Fraser (Ben Addis) sit on the edge of the circular stage on the revolving corrugated metal ring. They're both sat cross legged and wearing period 40s dress. Robert is animatedly talking whilst Duncan stares blankly into the space ahead.

    Photo by Richard Davenport, The Other Richard

  • Helen Giniver (Kelly Hotten) sits on a chair on top of a desk, with Viv Pearce (Thalissa Teixeira) sits on the edge of the desk. Both are wearing 40s office clothing. They have cups of tea and are smoking. The lighting suggests they're outside on a bright but cold day.

    Photo by Richard Davenport, The Other Richard

  • Julia Standing (Lucy Briggs-Owen) stands behind a writing desk, her arms folded smoking a cigarette. She wears red trousers and a dark tan blouse.

    Photo by Richard Davenport, The Other Richard

  • Julia Standing (Lucy Briggs-Owen) stands in the dark wearing a long tartan jacket. She looks up into light from above. A cigarette smokes in her hand to her side.

    Photo by Richard Davenport, The Other Richard

  • Duncan Pearce (Joe Jameson) sits up in a lower prison bunk bed. Moonlight silhouettes him. There's another man asleep in the bed above him.

    Photo by Richard Davenport, The Other Richard

  • Kay Langrish (Jodie McNee) stands in the centre of the circular stage in a single soft cold spotlight. There is the red glow from lights suggesting she is surrounded by fire. Thick chains hang down from the top of the theatre, along with military grade cabling.

    Photo by Richard Davenport, The Other Richard

  • Kay Langrish (Jodie McNee) lays collapsed in the centre of the stage. There is a cold light from above creating a pool around her. She is surrounded by chains hanging from above.

    Photo by Richard Davenport, The Other Richard